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    Of all the lessons taught by the financial crisis, the most personal has been that we Americans should not be proud of our financial skills.

    2021-08-01 08:58 广东人事考试网 来源:广东人事考试网



    Of all the lessons taught by the financial crisis, the most personal has been that we Americans should not be proud of our financial skills. We take out home loans we cant afford. We run up sky-high credit-card debts. We dont save nearly enough for retirement.
    In response, supporters of financial-literacy education are raising their voices. School districts in many states are adding money-management courses to their curriculum. The government is encouraging students to compete in the National Financial Capability Challenge. However. There is little evidence that traditional efforts to boost financial know-how help students make better decisions outside the classroom. Even as the financial-literacy movement has gained steam over the past decade, scores have been falling on tests that measure how well students perform in marking financial decisions.
    Given the situation, a growing number of researchers and educators agree that a more radical approach is needed. They advocate starting financial education a lot earlier than high school, putting real money and spending decisions into kids hands, and encouraging students to talk openly about the emotions and social influences about spending.
    Yet even the skeptics are slow to write off financial education completely. "We need to rigorously study the financial decisions of alumni like Ariel and Alex and compare with those too speculative to recommend one education approach over another. "says Mike Sheden, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis who is conducting a seven-year study on Whether giving children real bank accounts would result in long-term smart financial decisions. Yes, good, solid research like this takes a lot of time and resources, but it is in our own best interest to pursue it.

    116 、Whatissaidaboutthefinancial-literacyeducationinthesecondparagraph?()









      以上是关于Of all the lessons taught by the financial crisis, the most personal has been that we Americans should not be proud of our financial skills.的参考答案及解析。建议大家看完问题先作答、再查看答案哦!








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