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    2021-11-26 06:03 广东人事考试网 来源:广东华图教育






    Li Wu, boat tracker words, the pen name Li Bing, Jinan, Shandong Shanghe Xian, former deputy magistrate of the county, deputy director of the NPC Standing Committee. Calligraphy since childhood hobby. His book fresh and chic, elegant Su, natural beauty, loved by the general public. In recent years, the calligraphy works of calligraphy exhibition match at home and abroad, winning more than 80 times, four times the work will be sent to Japan to attend an international exhibition and cultural exchanges, and
    Award. "1997 Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting master calendar appreciate the masterpieces," and "high-level talent calligraphy and painting classes and study in 1998 of the National Art painting talent exchange", "Chinese Buddhists commemorate the 2000" Gold has been. In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the China Federation of Trade Unions painting and photography art exhibition in 1999 of the National calligraphy and folk arts and crafts show, respectively, and received a top award of the Special Gold Award
    Up to now, and the profile to work for "contemporary Chinese ink painting and calligraphy masters," such as the Department of more than 70 dictionaries. Spread a lot of work in Japan, Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and other countries. Newspapers have carried an article "unswervingly final success," and "The Merry also still infatuated with Langhammer," and "concerned about the handling of the public writing" and "books for the sea voyage boat handling" and "Ji Qing calligraphy into nirvana," the television documentary. "Asia-Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons", "flood" and "Project Hope" to donate works have been awarded the "Painter of love". Art is also world famous by the Vetting Committee, China Central Television, and so on, "the 11 units issued art world famous arts certificate. Calligrapher in Shandong Province is currently a member, member of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research, calligraphy and painting Qilu Association, the state personnel by the Ministry of Personnel Chinese painting and calligraphy specially invited mid-level talent training center researcher, a Buddhist book, talented Chinese artists for the study of art a member of the Division of the Commission. Calligraphy and painting a number of social organizations has also been hired as honorary president, senior painting and calligraphy teacher, a visiting professor, honorary consultant, and so on. "Calligraphy on the market," included in the "new Chinese" Volume II and other publications. Publication "Li Wu-calligraphy works."




      以上是关于由山东省书画学会等单位联合举办的齐鲁讲坛书画大讲堂,2011年新春第一 的参考答案及解析。建议大家看完问题先作答、再查看答案哦!








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