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    2021-07-15 08:52 广东人事考试网 来源:广东银行招聘网 微信公众号 备考QQ群 华图在线APP




      Did your child's brain shrink last summer? Probably not, but it may have shifted into reverse, according to a study by Dr. Harris Cooper, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation, they’ve lost one three months worth at learning.

      The decline is more detrimental for math than it is for reading. A students lose math skills; says Cooper. It may be because community and home environments give kids more opportunities to practice reading than math. The study also found that income has an impact on how much a student loses or gains in reading. Middle-class children actually gained in reading over the summer, while lower-income students experienced losses. Cooper attributes this to the enrichment activities that many middle-class kids participate in over the summer, such as camp and trips.

      Your kids don't have to spend the summer stuck in reverse. Parents can help their kids educational shills says Cooper. He suggests the following five tips to kick off a learning -filled summer .

      1. Keep lots of books around and make regular trips to the library libraries schedule special summer events for kids. Sign up your family!

      2.Think about what your kids may be learning next year when you plan the family Talk with teachers to find out what they’ll be covering in class. If it’s a unit on the civil war for example ,you may want to schedule a visit to Gettysburg. If it's geology, visit a national park

      3.Keep math in mind. Since kids lose more math skills than anything else over the summer, try to do some special planning to find math-related activities. For example, if you can't decide whether to sign your child up for "Shakespeare's Theater' or "Math Magic at the local community center, go with the math.

      4.Consider summer school or tutoring Struggling kids can get a lot of different kinds of help from these programs. Summer school can also enrich and accelerate learning in areas where kids show a special interest.

      5.Call the curriculum coordinator in your child's school district, visit the school board office, or contact the schools of education at local colleges and universities to find out what educational programs will be offered in your area over the summer.

      Remember to keep it fun! You don't want to sour your kids on learning during the summer break.

      1.What does Dr. Harris Cooper’s research find? ( )

      A. After summer vacation kids will lose one to three months worth of learning

      B. After summer vacation kids will lose learning capability in reading

      C. Summer vacation makes kids lose learning skills in math

      D. Summer vacation brings kids psychological problems

      【答案】A。细节题。根据research find定位原文,在原文的第一段,The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation, they’ve lost one to three months worth at learning,据此可知答案选A。BC选项虽然原文有所提及,但是概括得不够全,是片面化的选项,排除;D项的psychological problems原文并没有谈到,排除;故答案选A。

      2.Why is the decline worse for math than it is for reading? ( )

      A. Because the community have the libraries

      B. Because at home the parents will make kids reading more

      C. Because in summer vacation kids have more time in reading

      D. Because community and home give kids more opportunities to read

      【答案】D。细节题。根绝题干的关键词the decline定位原文,在原文的第二段The decline is more detrimental for math than it is for reading. A students lose math skills; says Cooper. It may be because community and home environments give kids more opportunities to practice reading than math,根据It may be because community and home environments give kids more opportunities to practice reading than math,可知答案选D。其他选项均不符合,排除。

      3.How does income affect a student's loses or gains in summer learning? ( )

      A. Lower-income children experienced lose in math over the summer

      B. Middle-class children gained in reading over the summer

      C. Lower-income children gained in math over the summer

      D. Lower-income children suffered lose in math over the summer

      【答案】B。细节题。根据income定位原文,在原文第二段的第三行,据The study also found that income has an impact on how much a student loses or gains in reading. Middle-class children actually gained in reading over the summer, while lower-income students experienced losses可知,B选项表述符合原文,所以答案选B。ACD项错在“math”,不是math,而是reading,排除。

      4.What makes lower-income children lose in learning, according to Dr. Harris Cooper? ( )

      A. Less out door activities over the summer

      B. More house work over the summer

      C. Less money gained over the summer

      D. More part-time work over the summer

      【答案】A。细节题。根据题干的income定位原文,在原文第二段的后四行,据最后一句话,Cooper attributes this to the enrichment activities that many middle-class kids participate in over the summer, such as camp and trips,Cooper把这一现象归因于activities,所以低收入家庭的孩子学习能力下降的原因可能是因为没有足够资金参加户外活动,所以答案选A。其他选项均不符合。

      5.How to keep kids from losing more math skills according to Dr. Harris Cooper? ( )

      A. Doing some special planning to have math-related activities

      B. Signing up for programs like' Shakespeare’s Theater’

      C. Having less reading activities over the summer

      D. Going to the libraries more of ten

      【答案】A。细节题。题干问的是“如何能让孩子避免丢失更多的数学技能”,问的是方法策略,文段谈到策略的是在后半段,而谈到math的在原文的第三个策略,Keep math in mind. Since kids lose more math skills than anything else over the summer, try to do some special planning to find math-related activities,匹配选项,只有A项符合,所以答案选A。其他选项均不符合。


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