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    2021-07-15 08:52 广东人事考试网 来源:广东银行招聘网 微信公众号 备考QQ群 华图在线APP




      Special needs students cannot only learn from regular education teachers, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments.

      A number of educators with inclusion classrooms are realizing the benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students being placed in small group environments with regular education classmates. Collaborative learning allows students to converse with one another and brainstorm together in order to find solutions to problems or to complete an assignment. This type of learning allows students of varying ability levels to lend their individual strengths to the group as a whole, there by encouraging an appreciation of diverse ideas and approaches to problem solving.

      Teacher can choose to implement several different types of collaborative leaning strategies, depending on the needs of students and the focus of specific assignments. Examples of small-group collaborative learning methods are:

      1)The Think-Pair-Share strategy, which involves each student in the group taking one minute to formulate a response to the teacher's question, then sharing individual findings with a partner. After collaborating in pairs, students can then share input with slightly larger groups or with the entire class.

      2)The Simple Jigsaw strategy, which involves four-person teams splitting a teacher-assigned task into equal parts. Each student in the group acts as an." expert on one section of the assignment and meets with corresponding ‘experts’ in other groups for discussion and task mastering. Students then return to their initial teams to share their knowledge of the task with other members.

      3)The Three Step Interview strategy, through which students initially break into pairs and take turns interviewing one another about an assignment. Each pair of students then combine with another pair in order to enhance the discussion.

      4)The Numbered Heads Together strategy. where each team member is assigned a number, then instructed to collaborate on a question. The teacher then calls a number randomly, and the student in each group who has that number acts as spokesperson in answering the question. Each student must be prepared for the possibility of having his or her number chosen.

      The benefits of collaborative learning and special needs students having the opportunity to engage in small group tasks can produce positive results in regard to classroom organization and management. Teachers who research tips on collaborative learning and implement the practice with students are likely to have a successful inclusion classroom

      1.What is the most distinct feature you think by the term “inclusion classroom” ( ).

      A. It is desired for students with special needs

      B. It is tutored by regular teachers for mainstream students

      C. It is planned for collaborative learning by mainstream students

      D. It has students with special needs and regular education classmates.

      【答案】C。细节题。题干问的是inclusion classroom最突出的特征是什么。根据题干的inclusion classroom定位原文,在原文的第二段,第二段有提到“special needs students”,“regular education”,似乎每个选项都可以选,但是,题干问的是最突出的特征,其实第二段主要阐述的collaborative learning,所以inclusion classroom最主要的特征就是collaborative learning(合作学习)。ABD虽然原文都有涉及,但不是最突出的特征,排除;故最后答案选C。

      2.What are the benefits of collaborative learning for special needs students ( ).

      A. It helps special needs students think creatively

      B. It meets the special needs from all the attending students

      C. It helps special needs students learn varied ability from classmates

      D. It helps students work together on solving problems and assignments

      【答案】D。细节题。根据题干的关键词benefits of collaborative learning定位原文,在原文的第二段的第三行,Collaborative learning allows students to converse with one another and brainstorm together in order to find solutions to problems or to complete an assignment,据此可判断,D项符合。A项的creatively原文并没有说到;B项表述过于绝对,排除;C项表述错误,原文说的是This type of learning allows students of varying ability levels to,是允许不同能力的学生,并不是让学生学习不同的技能,排除;故答案选D。

      3. What is mainly depending on for teachers to choose collaborative learning strategies? ( )

      A. The varied ability levels of the special needs students

      B. The needs from the special needs students

      C. The difficulty levels of the learning tasks

      D. The focus of the specific assignment

      【答案】D。细节题。题干问的是“老师在选择合作学习策略时主要依靠的是什么”,根据题干的collaborative learning strategies定位原文,在原文的第三段,Teacher can choose to implement several different types of collaborative leaning strategies, depending on the needs of students and the focus of specific assignments,据此,老师选择策略的依据有两个:the needs of students and the focus of specific assignments,但是题干问的是mainly,所以要在这两者之间选出一个最主要的,根据原文后面提到的四个对策,这四个对策主要是从老师布置的assignment(任务)出发的,综合这四个对策的特点,可知D项是老师选择策略的主要依据,据此可排除B;AC选项原文没有提及,排除;故答案选D。

      4. Which following one is NOT true about the “Simple Jigsaw strategy’? ( )

      A. Task-mastering students work on a teacher-assigned task

      B. It involves four-peen teams

      C. Each student in the group acts as an 'expert'

      D. A teacher-assigned task is divided into equal parts

      【答案】A。是非题。根据题干关键词Simple Jigsaw strategy,可以定位到原文的第二个策略,根据involves four-person teams (B项)splitting a teacher-assigned task into equal parts(D项). Each student in the group acts as an “expert”(C项)on one section of the assignment and meets with corresponding ‘experts’ in other groups for discussion and task mastering,只有A项没有提及,所以答案选A。

      5. Whatistheauthor'sattitudetowardsthebenefitsofcollaborativelearning? ( )

      A. Doubt

      B. Positive

      C. Indifferent

      D. Disagreeable

      【答案】B。态度题。C选项首先可排除,漠不关心的选项可第一时间排除;其次整个文段作者大部分用的都是褒义词,介绍collaborative learning的益处,并没有明显的消极倾向,所以答案选B,排除AD选项。


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