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    教师招聘面试_英语《Unit 5 My clothes》说课稿

    2022-01-17 17:51 广东人事考试网 来源:广东华图 微信公众号 备考QQ群 华图在线APP

      广东教师招聘网提供以下教师教师考试信息:教师招聘面试_英语《Unit 5 My clothes》说课稿,更多关于《Unit 5 My clothes》说课稿,教师教师考试的内容,请关注广东教师招聘网/广东人事考试网

      Good morning, judges! I’ m No. 7. It’s my great honor to be here to interpret my lesson. The topic is” my clothes”. I will present my lesson from the following parts: the analysis of the material, students, teaching aims, key points and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.

      I. The analysis of teaching material

      Now let’s focus on the first part, the analysis of teaching material. The content is from Part B, Let’s learn!, Unit 5 of PEP English book of Primary School, Grade 4. The main topic is My clothes. It’s the listening and speaking lesson. This lesson is the the further study of Part A, so students may have a little difficulty in learning this part.

      II. The analysis of students

      Then it’s about students. The students are in Primary School, Grade 4. They are very active and full of curiosity. But they don’t know many words, sentences and don’t have many skills to solve English problems. So I will arrange lots of activities to help them join in the class.

      III. The analysis of teaching aims

      According to the syllabus and the analysis of material and students, I set my teaching aims as follows:

      Knowledge aims: students can master the new words shirt, sweater, shoes and so on.Students are able to use the sentence “What color are they?”

      Ability aims: students can use the new words and sentence to communicate with others. Their listening and speaking skills can be improved.

      Emotional aims: After this class, students will treasure their clothes and improve their appreciation of beauty.

      IV. The analysis of teaching key point and difficult point

      According to the teaching aims, the key points are to use the new words shirt, sweater, shoes and so on. And to use the sentence “What color are they?” The difficult point is to use these words and sentence to communicate with others appropriately.

      V. The analysis of teaching methods

      To help students achieve the teaching aims much easier, I will use task-based teaching method and multimedia method which can provide students more chances to take part in the class. As for students, I will lead students to study by themselves and learn to communicate with others, so their listening and speaking skills can be trained and they will be the host of the class.

      VI. The analysis of teaching aids

      I will mainly adopt pictures and tape recorder as teaching aids to help students learn better.

      VII. The analysis of teaching Procedure

      Now let’s come to the most important part, the analysis of teaching procedures. It includes five parts. Warming-up, pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening, summary and homework.

      The first step is warming-up. I will let students chant with me to review the words about colors. ‘Green, green, yellow, yellow, blue, blue, white white’ It can arouse students’ interest in this lesson. It’s good for me to start the next stage.

      The second step is pre-listening. I will set a situation for students and take them to the shop. Here I will show some pictures to present the new words and write them down on the blackboard. Then I will design a game. I say one word and students point it on the book quickly. It can help students practice the new words and master them easily.

      The next step is while-listening. Here I will play the tape for three times. The first time, I will ask students to answer the question” What can’t the little girl find?” Then I will ask some students to answer. For the second time, Students should answer the question “when we want to ask something’s color, what sentence should we use?” For the third time, students should read after the tape loudly. With the tasks, students can listen more carefully, and their listening and speaking skills can be trained.

      Next, it’s the post-reading. In this process, I will encourage students to work in pairs to make a role-play with other new words in 3 minutes.Then invite some students to act it out, which can help students practice the main structures and use them correctly and appropriately. Then I will set a situation for students. I will tell them a good news. We are going on a trip tomorrow and I don’t known what to wear. Then ask students to choose their own clothes on the book and color them. When they finish the task, I will say” Let me think! Oh, I want to wear my yellow dress” to guide students show their ideas in front of the class. This activity can guide students to use the new knowledge to communicate with others in the daily life.

      In the whole lesson, I will encourage students to open their mouth so that they can have more confidence in speaking English.

      The last step is summary and homework. I will make a summary together with students. After the class, make students to use the sentences to ask their friends what clothes they want to wear for the trip. And what color are they?

      VIII. The analysis of blackboard design

      The last part is my blackboard design. These are the new words/phrases and key patterns. It’s very clear for students. Here are the pictures which can help students to master the knowledge better and .make them enjoy the class.

      That’s all for my presentation. Thank you.

      以上是教师招聘面试_英语《Unit 5 My clothes》说课稿的全部内容,更多广东教师招聘考试信息敬请教师考试群广东教师考试群,及关注广东教师招聘网/广东人事考试网

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