2022-02-16 15:06 广东人事考试网 来源:广东华图教育
An investor controls an investee if and only if the investor has all the following(形成控制同时需要满足以下三大条件):
A) Power over the investee to direct the relevant activities;
B) Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee;
C) Ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns.
Example of control(常见的例子有):
A) Voting rights (> 50% ordinary shares);
B) Rights to appoints, reassign or remove key management personnel;
C) Rights to appoint or remove another entity that directs relevant activities;
D) Management contract.
Consideration may consist of(常见的对价有cash和shares两种)
A) Cash(以cash的形式进行收购,直接记录cash值)
P purchased xx shares/ xx% of shares of S for XX
P purchased xx shares/ xx% of shares of S for XX per share
B) Shares(以股换股)
Share exchange on a X for Y basis (代表每获取子公司Y股股票,母公司需付出X股股票)
Share consideration=母公司获取子公司股数* X/Y *母公司收购日股价
Goodwills = Considerations+ NCI at acquisition date - FV of net assets of S at acquisition date
计算Goodwill的时候,用的是consideration的公允价值,加上NCI的公允价值,减去子公司的净资产(net assets)。其中的retained earning和 share capital,是用子公司在收购日当天的数字。
四、未实现利润PUP(provision for unrealised profit)的计算:
首先根据内部销售的售价和成本把利润算出来,再考虑期末还没卖出去的(还留在库存里的部分)对应的比例,计算出这部分unrealised profit的值。
未实现利润PUP(provision for unrealised profit)的影响:
A) P sold to S:
Group RE =母公司RE - URP +子公司收购后产生的RE * P%
NCI at reporting date = NCI at acq. date + 子公司收购后产生的RE* NCI%
B) S sold to P:
Group RE =母公司RE + (子公司收购后产生的RE - URP) * P%
NCI at reporting date = NCI at acq. date + (子公司收购后产生的RE - URP)* NCI%